MRI Notes: FID artifact in SE sequence?

When I was doing the MRI spin-echo experiment, I found there was an obvious fine line at the middle of the final image we obtained (as shown above). Trust me, I was trying to image a peanut, maybe with some water at the bottom(the bright part). Yes, it is a peanut, imaged by an old weird MRI scanner with horribly inhomogeneous 0.5T magnetic field. However, even though the scanner was old, it should never be blamed for the fine line in the middle. Let’s find out the true origin of this artifact and exonerate the scanner.

A Tiny Gallery

Introductions and ideas for my graphic design works

I first started to learn Photoshop when I was a freshman in college. I joined the Department of Social Activity in our university and was director of the Center for Design and Publicity. Unexpectedly, graphic design has become so attractive to me that I enjoy myself completely when playing it. I put some of my work here for recording my 3 years’ development.

Improving Hydejack's Build Speed

Hydejack 8.3 introduces new options to bring Hydejack’s build time in line with other Jekyll themes.

Hydejack was designed with personal sites in mind, i.e. sites with around 100 pages. Because of this, build speed hasn’t been a major concern during its development. When attempting to use Hydejack with thousands of pages this becomes very apparent, as build times go from seconds, to minutes, to hours.

Introducing Dark Mode

The PRO version of Hydejack now includes an optional Dark Mode, making it the first Jekyll theme to include this feature.

Like many people, I’m a sucker for is dark UI themes, whether it’s Twitter, macOS, or code editors. I even built an addon for Atom that automatically switches between light and dark based on sunset and sunrise.

Introducing Hydejack 8

Hydejack 8 is the best version of Hydejack yet. It introduces Cover Pages, Offline Support, and soon… Dark Mode.

After a long wait, Hydejack 8 finally sees the day of its release. It makes Hydejack look more elegant (no more super bold headings) and introduces features that make your site more impressive to first time visitors, while loading faster for repeat visitors.

Example Content III

A page showing Hydejack-specific markdown content.

Hydejack offers a few additional features to markup your markdown. Don’t worry, these are merely CSS classes added with kramdown’s {:...} syntax, so that your content remains compatible with other Jekyll themes.

Example Content II

A page showing how regular markdown content is styled in Hydejack.

There should be whitespace between paragraphs. We recommend including a README, or a file with information about your project.

Hydejack's New Design

This post introduces Hydejack’s now background image, color palette and logo.

While v7 brings an insane amount of new stuff, the most notable change is the new background image. It is no longer anti-selling the theme. The old image was a blurred version of Napoleon Bonaparte, which was just… weird. I could tell the story of how this came to be, but I’d rather show you the new and improved background image.

Better Gem Support (v6.5)

Hydejack v6.5 includes various quality-of-life improvements, especially when using the gem-based version of the theme.

This maintenance release includes various quality-of-life improvements, especially when using the gem-based version of the theme. These changes come in handy when using Hydejack for a quick (project-) page: The home layout, which is used when using jekyll new, is now a proper layout that displays a few posts/pages below the regular content, and it is again possible to define an author in _config.yml without setting up a _data directory (for more, see blow).

Related Projects and Data Tables (v6.4)

In Hydejack v6.4 I’ve added a “Other Projects” section to the bottom of each project page, making it easier for users to navigate through your collection and discover other projects.

In this release I’ve added a “Other Projects” section to the bottom of each project page, making it easier for users to navigate through your collection and discover other projects. Also, it’s now possible to display larger (data-) tables that were previously cut off (especially on mobile devices).


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